The Natural Spankee – Being Spanked Naturally

Dear Readers this is where you will soon find blogs and diary stories of me being spanked naturally, as well as being paddled, tawsed and slippered. Not forgetting, those moments when my knickers are down, bending over, anxiously awaiting the cane.
As a taster, this very popular picture of me has a story of its own. It was a crisp winter’s day with a rare blanketing of snow which looked spectacular in the sunshine. I was supposed to be having some pictures taken at a friend’s ground floor flat in Brighton. Having shot a few pics, and without thinking, I pulled open the patio doors and strode out into the snow, and struck this pose.
He was absolutely horrified as I was completely visible to all the surrounding flats and his somewhat prudish neighbours. But with the amazing presence of mind, he pointed his camera and took this memorable shot only then ordering me to come back inside. But, dear reader, I paid the inevitable price for my indiscreet but fun dash into the snow. A few moments after this picture, I was back inside wearing the same thick stockings and wool top, obediently bending over and being spanked naturally. I do pay for my wilful streak sometimes.
But my friend doesn’t get all the fun, because you too can give me a good spanking. Just give me a call on 07508 836970 or get in touch HERE and we can plan how that bottom get’s some more discipline!
To read more of my Diary and Blogs CLICK HERE