Paying for my car breaking down – Part 2, A car spanking fantasy

So here I was stuck face down in my car, trying not to think too much about how much I was enjoying the attention when, against my better judgement, my body made some decisions for me and I let out some gentle moans. This had the obvious effect on my hunky breakdown mechanic and his massaging of my thighs and buttocks moved to becoming more intimate, occasioned with the smacks on my bottom becoming harder and more regular.
Without being able to see what he was doing, I had to try and listen to work things out and eventually between choked growling and heavy panting, he arrived at the end of his journey, if you take my meaning. Only then did he help me by taking my arm and holding me up while I untangled my dress and then went to take a look at what was wrong with my car.
To be fair he did have to work hard to put me back on the road and when everything was completed and we were signing the relevant paperwork, he went to leave but then turned back to me and asked for a souvenir. It took me a few seconds to work out what he meant but then I followed his gaze to the back seat of my car, where my previously discarded panties were laying. With a sigh I agreed and he left with his new prize and drove away into the night.
When I took out my breakdown cover, I certainly do not remember seeing details of this benefit, but it has certainly cured my phobia about breaking down. Long live the fourth emergency service!
You can decide what happens next, or even live out your own car spanking fantasy with an ending of your dreams.
Love Lilly x
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