My Fantasy Spanking Shopping Adventure – Part 2

So here I was, being searched by an erstwhile fashion model, trying desperately not to show how turned on I was becoming, when I noticed that the male guard, being largely ignored at this point, was idly going through the contents of my bag laid out on his desk and taking more than a little notice of my spanking appointment diary.
As my vogue model needed to remove my maxi dress she made sure that, when it was lifted over my head, her companion could take a long lingering eyeful of my now naked and very much underwear free body. This, along with his discovery of my diary, meant that he was becoming a lot more interested in the search.
No longer feigning indifference and with no pretence of looking for stolen goods, he came over to me, turned me round and bent me over a nearby desk. Not quite sure what his intention was it came as a pleasant surprise, well for me anyway, when he started to spank me. Gently at first but, almost as a reaction to my body’s signals, with steadily increasing vigour.
Just as I was dropping into my own personal subspace and enjoying the sensations, I noticed that my blonde security guard, now divested of her uniform, had bent over the desk beside me. She looked and smelt adorable and, while the male guard was giving my rear a rest, he turned his attentions to hers. Unable to resist, I stroked her body and nibbled on her ear as the ministrations of her colleague moved from spanking to something of a more personal nature. It was clear that this pair had longed for this and just needed an excuse, which in this case seemed to be me. Soon she was moaning and then screaming with pleasure as she exploded into an amazing, shuddering orgasm that was matched by her colleague.
Now it was my turn. With alternate spanking, rubbing and gentle caresses of my sensitive areas, they held off and then eventually let me have one of my most intense orgasms ever. Once we had all calmed down from our own personal highs, we dressed in silence and eventually I was escorted out of the store.
As I came back to reality from my day dream, I took a quick look around for my hunky guard and his vogue model blonde colleague. Sorry to say that these to had come from my imagination as had my shopping spanking
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