A Spank for a Prank

A recent discussion with one of my girl friends reminded me of a time, when I was younger, where letting out my naughty side led to an early spanking experience.
We were all together having a dinner party at a recently married friend’s house and all feeling very grown up as we made our way through starters, main courses and desserts, with equally lavish amounts of wine and then schnapps, before retiring to the living room to listen to music, do a bit of dancing and relax the evening away. As time went on, we were all enjoying the effects of the alcohol and people soon started disappearing upstairs until I realised, a little hazily, that there was just myself and my friend’s husband, John, who was snoring in a comfy chair. In a fit of naughtiness, I quickly emptied out my make-up bag and started to apply on him the most clown like and garish make-over I could. Having satiated my naughty side, I grabbed everything together and swayed my way up to bed.
It seemed like no time had passed before I woke up, fully dressed, with a warm glow and little memory of the night before. It was only while I was collecting my thoughts in the morning light, that my friend came in to my room with an odd look on her face, closely followed by John, my erstwhile victim, still wearing the make over I had applied the night before. As recollection came flooding back, I also realised that my make-up was all waterproof and needed a cleanser to remove – evidently my friend did not have a suitable cleanser and so all the guests had seen my artwork.
John was not at all amused when my friend, who shares a lot of my naughty side, burst into fits of laughter and could not stop herself. It was this lack of sympathy that meant he decided that she should suffer the same punishment as me and, knowing something of our passions, decided a spanking would be the most suitable punishment.
We were both instructed to strip naked and then kneel leaning forward on the bed. Looking round, I saw that he was holding one of his slippers which had a smooth rubber sole. Each of us in turn were to receive 20 strokes and count each one off, in reverse. If we miscounted, he would start again from the beginning. Given the sensations that overload your senses when being spanked, it is extremely difficult to keep count and soon I was sure that I had received many more than 20 strokes and my rear was glowing a very nice red. While I came down from my punishment, I took notice of my friend next to me who was squirming and evidently enjoying the suffering her bottom was taking.
At the end of the spanking, we thought that was the end of our punishment, but no. John told us to put on light summer dresses with no knickers and to go downstairs, sit on the hard wooden chairs in the dining room and not to move until he arrived, once he had removed the makeup. Going downstairs, it seemed that none of the other guests had woken and so we sat and squirmed on the hard seats, waiting for what came next. John, minus the makeup, came down the stairs in a tracksuit and it was clear that he had enjoyed, almost as much as we had, the spanking session and needed a little of our help to finish him off. So while I kissed and lightly rubbed his upper body, gently squeezing and teasing his nipples, my friend took her time on his penis, bringing him close to orgasm but not quite letting him finish until, unable to prevent the build up, he came hard and with a considerable amount of noise.
This noise evidently woke the rest of the guests and as they made their way to the dining room, my friend and I made them all breakfast, enjoying the frisson created by knowing that all our activities had gone on a just few feet away from them all.
You can decide what happens next, or even live out your own spanking fantasy with an ending of your dreams.
Love Lilly x